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This paper presents insights and recommendations that were shared during a series of calls and interviews with more than two dozen external housing and finance stakeholders.
REPORT: Why cooling is key
The report, Why cooling is key: How to decarbonize buildings with one weird trick, analyzes data on the shipments of heating and cooling technology in five states, and finds converting central AC unit sales to heat pumps can dramatically accelerate the decarbonization of homes while boosting grid resilience, lowering technology and installations costs, and improving the health and safety of the nation’s housing stock, if policymakers act quickly to harness this market.
The Future of Gas in New York State
This report aims to assist the Commission and other stakeholders at this critical, early moment in gas distribution system transition planning.
Population Attributable Fraction of Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma in the United States
Research paper led by RMI that attempts to quantify the impacts of gas stove use on childhood asthma prevalence.
Rudin rethinks energy with NYSERDA
Learn about the energy efficient upgrades that Rudin Management implemented for its new office space.
Building Opportunity: New York – The Jobs, Economic and Equity Benefits of Decarbonizing and Electrifying Buildings Across the Empire State
This report examines New York's building decarbonization and electrification employment data.
Decarbonizing Tall Buildings with a New York State of Mind
New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) mandates 100 percent zero-emissions electricity by 2040 and economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2050. That means that billions of square feet of New York buildings have 28 years to wean off the fossil fuel combustion and fossil-fueled steam that heat the majority of the building stock today. For many buildings, that translates to roughly one asset replacement cycle, and buildings that simply replace today’s fossil fuel equipment with newer versions of the same will not be in compliance with Climate Act mandates before the equipment reaches the end of its lifetime. [...]
Natural Gas Bans Are New Front in Effort to Curb Emissions
New York is considering laws to ban natural gas in buildings.