The Buildings Hub is a one-stop shop for data, news, and policies on building electrification and decarbonization. The Hub pulls together a range of complex and widely available market, policy and technical datasets complement and inform one another. The breadth of data available on the Buildings Hub was designed to overcome the disaggregated nature of existing datasets. With valuable data in hand, users are empowered to advance the decarbonization of buildings and deploy best practices. Contact us if you have any questions or feedback.

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History of Buildings Hub

After launching the EV Hub in 2017, amid an increasing interest in building electrification as a climate solution, Atlas saw the need to build out a similar tool for an audience of industry, non-profit, and public policy professionals. Drawing on experience and learnings from EV Hub, the Atlas team started scoping out a hub for buildings by reaching out to one of our most trusted partners, the Cadmus Group.

With Atlas’s experience with data collection and visualization and Cadmus’s expertise on building electrification and decarbonization policies, the team began thinking about how to centralize existing and available buildings data. Throughout 2019 and into early 2020, Atlas and Cadmus met with industry, non-profit, and policy professionals to gauge their overall interest and data needs on building electrification and decarbonization. Many expressed frustrations over data often being siloed, and a desire for data to be in one place as the United States increasingly looks towards emissions reductions from the buildings sector to achieve climate goals. To address these concerns, Atlas launched the Buildings Hub in the fall of 2021.

Throughout the development of the Buildings Hub, a group of trusted stakeholders contributed their feedback, guidance, and support for this site. Special thanks to the following groups for their advice and expertise throughout the creation of Buildings Hub: Building Decarbonization Coalition, Climate Nexus, Energy Foundation, Mitsubishi, National Association of State Energy Officials, Natural Resources Defense Council, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, RMI, and Sunstone Strategies.

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