
Multifamily Shift-Building Speaker Series

Join the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild for a Multifamily Shift-Building Speaker Series on the decarbonization, affordability, and indoor health of multifamily housing in our region. A panel of speakers will be presenting on the following [...]

Free – $35

Seattle Building Performance Standards

Join us for a virtual lunch ‘n’ learn presentation and discussion about the City of Seattle’s plans to address emissions from our largest buildings. A building performance standard (BPS) is a powerful policy tool [...]

2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Asilomar Conference Grounds Pacific Grove, CA, United States

After a successful virtual event, the 2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings will return to our usual, beloved location — the gorgeous grounds of Asilomar Conference Grounds near Monterey, California.  Our theme for the [...]

SBX Conference

Pacific Tower Seattle, WA, United States

A three-day hybrid conference connecting participants to the latest information and technologies in the smart buildings industry and showcasing smart buildings projects and initiatives in the U.S.

The Geothermal Rising Conference

Peppermill Resort Spa Casino Reno, NV, United States

The Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC) is the geothermal industry’s flagship annual conference, reflecting the global nature of the geothermal industry and bringing together people in industry, academia, government, and the general public. Here we [...]

BDC Presents: Thermal Networks

Thermal Energy Networks are utility-scale infrastructure projects that connect multiple buildings into a shared network with sources of thermal energy like geothermal boreholes, abandoned mines and wells, surface water, and wastewater. Join the Building [...]

Strategies for Achieving Zero Energy in Multifamily Buildings

ASHRAE's latest Advanced Energy Design Guide for Multifamily Buildings, developed with support from DOE, assists multifamily building owners and operators, design professionals, and developers in achieving zero energy buildings. The guide's creators will walk [...]

Q&A Session: Compliance Paths

The Washington State Department of Commerce will be hosting a live question and answer (Q&A) session on the different compliance paths building owners can pursue to comply with the Clean Buildings Performance Standard. Join [...]

Built Green Conference 2022: Becoming the Change

South Seattle College Seattle, WA, United States

The Built Green Conference has been occurring annually for over a decade, with the aim of providing valuable and cutting-edge information on green building and sustainability. This year’s conference theme is Becoming the Change. These [...]


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