This plan includes strategies, programs, and actions to meet the targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions as established in the Resilient Rhode Island Act.

This Plan is organized according to five sections, and two appendices:

  • GHG Sources and Projections: This section describes Rhode Island’s current GHG emissions profile, including major sources, and expected changes under “business-as-usual” (BAU) future conditions.
  • GHG Mitigation Pathways: This section describes the major findings of EC4’s modeling to determine technically-viable pathways towards meeting the Resilient Rhode Island GHG reduction targets.
  • Policy and Implementation: This section describes policy and implementation options that could be pursued to achieve the Resilient Rhode Island targets.
  • Monitoring Progress: This section describes procedures Rhode Island will take to monitor progress toward achieving the GHG targets.
  • The Path Forward: This section describes the EC4’s vision for GHG mitigation implementation and next steps to move from planning to action.
  • Appendix 1: Reference Case Assumptions and Results: This appendix provides technical documentation for the “business-as-usual” reference case developed for use in this Plan’s GHG mitigation modeling.
  • Appendix 2: Scenario Modeling Assumption and Results: This appendix provides technical documentation for the scenario modeling used to inform the development of this Plan.