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Combating High Fuel Prices with Hybrid Heating: The Case for Swapping Air Conditioners for Heat Pumps
This report offers a strategy to kickstart home electrification in the US by swapping traditional air conditioners (AC) to two-way heat pumps that can both heat and cool indoor spaces.
Home is Where the Pipeline Ends: Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds Present in Natural Gas at the Point of the Residential End User
Researchers studied the harmful chemicals and pollutants found in natural gas in residential locations across the Greater Boston Metropolitan area, Massachusetts.
California’s Cities Lead the Way on Pollution-Free Homes and Buildings
This blog summarizes the cities and counties in California that have adopted gas-free buildings commitments or electrification building codes.
California Electric Homes Program (CalEHP), First Edition (Assembly Bill 137, 2021)
The CEC has developed these Guiding Principles to provide overarching objectives for program design, implementation, and administration of the California Electric Homes Program (CalEHP).
Net Zero Energy Use & Energy Resilience
Net zero buildings produce the same amount of energy as they use. Learn how to make your home or business energy efficient while focusing on energy resiliency.
Long-Term Performance of Energy Efficiency Loan Portfolios
This report presents a detailed analysis of energy efficiency loan performance data from four large and long-running residential programs.
Pathways to Energy Affordability in Colorado
This report provides an analysis of energy affordability and energy cost burdens for Colorado households.
3H Hybrid Heat Homes: An Incentive Program to Electrify Space Heating and Reduce Energy Bills in American Homes
This report proposes a low-barrier, least-cost policy package to rapidly deploy efficient space heating and cooling solutions in the United States. It aims to “raise the floor” for electric space heating in the residential HVAC market, delivering 45 million new installations over 10 years and paving the way for more ambitious decarbonization efforts.
A National Roadmap for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings
This Roadmap provides 14 recommendations for addressing the top barriers to Grid-interactive efficient building (GEB) adoption and deployment.
Heating Sector Transformation in Rhode Island
This report examines solutions to transform Rhode Island's heating sector.
Multifamily Building Guide
NBI's Multifamily Guide offers an advanced standard that addresses the issues faced when applying building code to multifamily buildings.