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Washington State 2023 Biennial Energy Report
This report provides the governor and Legislature an analysis of energy issues affecting Washington residents and businesses, along with an update on recommendations made in the 2021 State Energy Strategy.
Operation 2030: Scaling Building Decarbonization in Washington State
Operation 2030 offers the interconnected and precise timing of various steps required to implement a building decarbonization strategy from now until 2030 in Washington state.
Building Seattle Better – How Seattle’s municipal buildings support a carbon-neutral future
An overview of how Seattle’s municipal buildings can support a carbon-neutral future.
Chapter D – Reduce Energy Consumption and Emissions in the Built Environment
This chapter of the Washington 2021 State Energy Strategy recommends policies and actions required to implement an electrification strategy in Washington buildings.
Washington 2021 State Energy Strategy: Transitioning to an Equitable Clean Energy Future
The strategy provides policies and actions to help the state of Washington achieve its energy and climate goals and reach net zero emissions by 2050.
Weatherization Workforce Roadmap for Washington State
This report describes the key workforce challenges facing Washington’s low-income weatherization agency and subcontractor employers, and offers potential solutions on how to enhance the weatherization workforce.
Pacific Northwest Pathways to 2050: Achieving an 80% reduction in economy-wide greenhouse gases by 2050
This study evaluates potential costs and savings and technology implications of different strategies to achieve 80% emissions reductions by 2050 in Oregon and Washington.