Governor Whitmer has taken bold action to dramatically accelerate Michigan’s progress down that promising path, including committing Michigan to economy-wide carbon neutrality no later than 2050 with aggressive interim targets on the way to midcentury and net negative GHG emissions thereafter. To achieve these ambitious goals, she charged the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s (EGLE) Office of Climate and Energy with developing the MI Healthy Climate Plan.

The Plan strongly emphasizes environmental justice to ensure Michigan’s climate strategies uplift every portion of the state, including individuals and communities that have borne the brunt of climate impacts and are at the greatest risk of being left behind in the transition ahead. It also spotlights decarbonization strategies that will yield significant health, economic, and other benefits.

The Plan is meant to identify what needs to happen for Michigan to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 with a prioritization on actions from now until 2030. It focuses most heavily on the areas where the biggest, most rapid gains in GHG reductions can be made – energy, transportation, and buildings.