Biweekly Digest Archive

Biweekly Digest Archive2022-05-24T20:19:28-04:00

We send out a biweekly digest to catch you up on all the happenings on Buildings Hub. The digest features a spotlight story unpacking a key development (or developments) from the past two weeks, as well as other news, special announcements, job openings and upcoming events. Let us know if you have jobs, events, or spotlight topics you would like to see featured!

You can control if you receive the digests directly in your inbox on your account page.

Atlas Buildings Hub in 2024

By |December 16, 2024|

This year, Atlas Buildings Hub published 21 original stories in our bi-weekly digests. Subject matter ranged from building codes to net metering to the electrification workforce. Here, we highlight our five post popular digests [...]