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Tracking the Heat Pump & Water Heater Market in the United States
This data hub spotlights publicly available national HVAC and water heating shipment data from the Air Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute (AHRI).
Rewiring America Household Electrification Incentive Calculator
There are many savings programs for energy-efficient appliances and upgrades. Enter your household info to see the programs you’re eligible for.
Nobody Left Behind: Preliminary Review of Strategies to Support Affordable Housing Compliance with Building Performance Standards
This report identifies strategies that local governments, community-based organizations, energy utilities, and other stakeholders can use to support affordable housing properties and their residents during the design and implementation of BPS policies.
California Energy Commission Envelope Air Sealing Fact Sheet
This fact sheet describes current mandatory energy codes in terms of air leakage in residential and nonresidential buildings. In addition to mapping air sealing locations, it includes information on performance credits for envelope air leakage testing.
Energy Savings Hub
Online one-stop shop provides homeowners, renters, and drivers key information about clean energy rewards available to drastically cut energy costs.
Impact of Green Hydrogen Production on the Availability of Clean Electricity for the Grid
This paper focuses on the proposed use of green hydrogen for heating homes and commercial buildings and the need to consider the implications for clean electricity demand and therefore supply, which its production would entail.
U.S. Heat Pump Market: Overview 2020
Presentation on heat pumps and building electrification in the U.S. by Policy Analyst, Zachary Strauss.
Electrify My Government
This report details nine specific actions that the federal government can take to accelerate economy-wide electrification and help get us closer to Biden's 50-52% emissions reduction goal by 2030.
The Economics of Electrifying Buildings: Residential New Construction
This report examines the economic and climate impacts of building all-electric single-family new construction.
Cost Savings and CO2 Emissions Reductions of Residential Electrification in Peoples Gas Territory
This report provides an in-depth analysis of electrification of single-family homes and individually metered multi-family homes with forced air heating systems in Peoples Gas’ service territory in Chicago, Illinois.
Household Electrification Savings Calculator – Rewiring America
Find out how much money you could save with the Inflation Reduction Act by using the Rewiring America rebate calculator tool.
Analysis: Electric Heat Pumps Offer Cheapest Clean Heating Option for Most U.S. Houses
An analysis of the ACEEE's report on how electric heat pumps offer the cheapest way to cleanly heat and cool single-family homes.