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3H Hybrid Heat Homes: An Incentive Program to Electrify Space Heating and Reduce Energy Bills in American Homes
This report proposes a low-barrier, least-cost policy package to rapidly deploy efficient space heating and cooling solutions in the United States. It aims to “raise the floor” for electric space heating in the residential HVAC market, delivering 45 million new installations over 10 years and paving the way for more ambitious decarbonization efforts.
Chapter D – Reduce Energy Consumption and Emissions in the Built Environment
This chapter of the Washington 2021 State Energy Strategy recommends policies and actions required to implement an electrification strategy in Washington buildings.
Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change Report
This report describes 55 strategies across 9 sectors that will lay the foundation for the state of Wisconsin to better adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Moving Toward Carbon Neutrality: Banning Natural Gas Connections
This case study answers the following question: Can Michigan communities ban natural gas connections in new or existing buildings.