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U.S. Heat Pump Market: Overview 2020
Presentation on heat pumps and building electrification in the U.S. by Policy Analyst, Zachary Strauss.
U.S. Electrification In Brief
Presentation on building electrification in the U.S. by Policy Analyst, Zachary Strauss.
Electrify My Government
This report details nine specific actions that the federal government can take to accelerate economy-wide electrification and help get us closer to Biden's 50-52% emissions reduction goal by 2030.
The Economics of Electrifying Buildings: Residential New Construction
This report examines the economic and climate impacts of building all-electric single-family new construction.
Massachusetts Commission on Clean Heat Final Report
The Commission on Clean Heat published its report designed to help the Commonwealth achieve deep emissions reductions from the use of heating fuels.
Cost Savings and CO2 Emissions Reductions of Residential Electrification in Peoples Gas Territory
This report provides an in-depth analysis of electrification of single-family homes and individually metered multi-family homes with forced air heating systems in Peoples Gas’ service territory in Chicago, Illinois.
Implementing The Inflation Reduction Act: A Roadmap For Federal And State Buildings Policy
This report explains how federal agencies can effectively implement the IRA’s building provisions, recommends complementary federal policies to accelerate building decarbonization. It also outlines how state policymakers can leverage the new law to reduce building sector pollution, increase building efficiency, and lower consumer energy bills.
The Economics of Electrifying Buildings: Medium-Size Commercial Retrofits
This report analyzes the technical, economic, and environmental implications of retrofitting fossil-gas-fired space heating and domestic hot water systems in a prototypical 50,000 square foot office building.
All in on Building Decarbonization in the Age of the Inflation Reduction Act
This report on building decarbonization discusses key programs in the IRA that the All In coalition should use to create a cleaner, healthier, and more economically vibrant country and built environment.
Improving the American Indoors: The Health, Economic, and Community Benefits of Zero-Carbon Buildings
This report from America is All In details the many benefits of decarbonization.
Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework
The Climate Action Framework sets a vision for how Minnesota will address and prepare for climate change. It identifies immediate, near-term actions that Minnesotans must take to achieve their long-term goal of a carbon-neutral, resilient, and equitable future for the state.
California budget invests $1.4 billion to decarbonize homes, schools, and communities
California is making big investments in transitioning homes, buildings, and schools to clean electric appliances – a record $1.4 billion across programs. This tweet by the Building Decarbonization Coalition summarizes how funding will be allocated for this budget.