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Retrofitting America’s Homes: Designing Home Energy Programs that Leverage Federal Climate Investments with Other Funding

June 3, 2024|

This white paper identifies strategies that policymakers, efficiency program administrators, and other decision makers can use to support home energy efficiency upgrades by braiding and stacking new federal funds with existing state, local, utility, and other resources.

Guidelines for Maximizing the Benefits of Federal Investments in Buildings

May 22, 2024|

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) will unleash billions of dollars of funding for building retrofits. To see equitable results from this funding, policy makers and program designers need to intentionally co-create retrofit programs that serve residential buildings in low- and moderate-income communities.

How National Appliance and Equipment Energy Conservation Standards Can Improve Public Health and Advance Justice40 Initiative Goals

April 12, 2024|

Gain insight into the critical role of national appliance standards in improving public health and discover how to measure their impact against Justice40 goals. Find actionable recommendations for maximizing their benefits for a healthier, greener, and fairer future.