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Energy Efficiency Jobs in America 2024
This report serves as a baseline by which to measure future energy efficiency job growth enabled by critical large-scale investments such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
Heat Pump Water Heater Installation Tool
The goal of this tool is to help you through the decision-making process for heat pump water heater (HPWH) product selection and installation.
Retrofitting America’s Homes: Designing Home Energy Programs that Leverage Federal Climate Investments with Other Funding
This white paper identifies strategies that policymakers, efficiency program administrators, and other decision makers can use to support home energy efficiency upgrades by braiding and stacking new federal funds with existing state, local, utility, and other resources.
The Value of Prioritizing Equitable, Efficient Building Electrification
This study systematically analyzes the costs and benefits to LMI households and to society at large of efficient electrification, including both installation and operation of residential space heating, water heating, and other equipment.
Guidelines for Maximizing the Benefits of Federal Investments in Buildings
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) will unleash billions of dollars of funding for building retrofits. To see equitable results from this funding, policy makers and program designers need to intentionally co-create retrofit programs that serve residential buildings in low- and moderate-income communities.
ENERGY STAR Home Improvement Savings Tool
New federal, state and local incentives can help you prepare for a clean energy future now, while saving thousands of dollars and enjoying a more comfortable home today.
Home Energy Rebates Program (Inflation Reduction Act Sections 50121 and 50122): Consumer Bill of Rights Template
The U.S. Department of Energy is providing this optional Consumer Bill of Rights template for the Home Energy Rebate programs for consideration by participating states, territories, and Tribes.
Affordable Housing Decarbonization Hub
It’s a new day for affordable housing. We’re bringing you the information and inspiration to help you make an equitable transition to more efficient, climate-ready multifamily homes.
Cooking with Smoke: How the Gas Industry Used Tobacco Tactics to Cover Up Harms from Gas Stoves
\A new publication from the Public Health Law Center shines a light on the troubling parallels between the gas and commercial tobacco industries, including their pollutants and deceptive practices.
Guidelines for creating community-driven building retrofit programs
This report showcases how cities in the US can implement building decarbonization policies and programs in an equitable manner while also incorporating a broader set of community priorities and needs in the development, delivery, and outcomes of the program.
How National Appliance and Equipment Energy Conservation Standards Can Improve Public Health and Advance Justice40 Initiative Goals
Gain insight into the critical role of national appliance standards in improving public health and discover how to measure their impact against Justice40 goals. Find actionable recommendations for maximizing their benefits for a healthier, greener, and fairer future.
RMI Green Upgrade Calculator
This sophisticated, user-friendly calculator enables energy professionals - contractors, advisors, and analysts – to assess the economic and environmental impacts of green home and transportation upgrades