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45L and 25C Energy Efficiency Tax Credits Cut Household Costs
Two federal tax credits are helping homeowners around the country save money on energy bills. These fact sheets provide new analysis on the benefits these credits deliver.
Retrofitting America’s Homes: Designing Home Energy Programs that Leverage Federal Climate Investments with Other Funding
This white paper identifies strategies that policymakers, efficiency program administrators, and other decision makers can use to support home energy efficiency upgrades by braiding and stacking new federal funds with existing state, local, utility, and other resources.
The Value of Prioritizing Equitable, Efficient Building Electrification
This study systematically analyzes the costs and benefits to LMI households and to society at large of efficient electrification, including both installation and operation of residential space heating, water heating, and other equipment.
Nobody Left Behind: Preliminary Review of Strategies to Support Affordable Housing Compliance with Building Performance Standards
This report identifies strategies that local governments, community-based organizations, energy utilities, and other stakeholders can use to support affordable housing properties and their residents during the design and implementation of BPS policies.
Analysis: Electric Heat Pumps Offer Cheapest Clean Heating Option for Most U.S. Houses
An analysis of the ACEEE's report on how electric heat pumps offer the cheapest way to cleanly heat and cool single-family homes.
State Policies and Rules to Enable Beneficial Electrification in Buildings through Fuel Switching
This policy brief provides a status update of the policies promoting (or failing to promote) the transition to heating with electric heat pumps in all 50 states and Washington, DC.
Utilities and Energy Efficiency as a Service: The Potential for Win-Win Partnerships
This research synthesizes insights into the current EEaaS market and identifies opportunities and challenges to be aware of when scaling these services.
A Roadmap for Climate-Forward Efficiency
Roadmap providing advice to legislators, utilities, regulators, and others on how to align policy, prepare the market, deliver effective programs, and ensure equity.