An unprecedented amount of Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and existing state and utility funding is available to decarbonize our homes, offices, and countless other buildings. These structures are responsible for 35 percent of US energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, making them a critical pillar of the energy transition.

When households are cashing in on multiple incentives for one retrofit project (i.e., “stacking”), households will pay less for home upgrades. However, households need efficient and easy access to maximize incentive uptake. RMI, the federal government, and other stakeholders have developed resources and guidance to support state energy offices, incentive program administrators, and communities in understanding and easing barriers to incentive stacking. This webpage is a clearinghouse of available resources on the topic.

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Date: May 9, 2024

Type: Not Defined

Countries: None

States: None