Buildings Hub is Atlas’s approach to policy analysis. We aggregate publicly available and manually-assembled datasets from across the internet to equip users with the information needed to evaluate the progress being made in building electrification in the United States. Our platform gives you the ability to quickly gain insights into the effectiveness of public policies and activities, which will save you time and give you decision-relevant data. Atlas has worked with state and federal agencies, the non-profit community, and private companies to create this valuable relational database to better understand the building space. Have an idea? Let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can make this a more valuable platform for the Building community. Read on to learn more about how we put together the Buildings Hub and where we get all of this data!
Datasets in Buildings Hub
Buildings Hub provides information on Building-related policies, programs, and merging opportunities in the United States; market data; media coverage; and more. Buildings Hub is intended to be a one-stop shop for the Buildings community—public agencies, advocacy organizations, and companies—to share information, get ideas for collaboration, and gain insights into policy and market activity from across the country.
Field Descriptions
Atlas has collected datasets from publicly available sources, such as the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Census Bureau. Below is a description of the fields in a dataset summary table.
- Title: the title of the dataset.
- Data Source: the name of the organization that provided the data.
- Description: a brief description of the dataset.
- Category:
- Buildings: building stock characteristics.
- Demographics: Various data fields from the American Community Survey 5-Year Data (2009-2015). Data is at the ZIP Code Tabulation Area level.
- Energy: fuel prices, natural gas use, energy sales, and pipeline projects.
- Environment: Emission sources and non-attainment areas.
- Geography: description of a geography (state, utility, county, city, or ZIP code).
- Public Policy: policies and programs.
- Web Resources: Research reports, websites, case studies, and other web resources.
- Data Source Type:
- Web API: data was retrieved programmatically through an application programmable interface (API).
- Web Excel or Other: data was retrieved directly from the web through a file format understood by Power BI (Excel, CSV, JSON, etc.).
- Manual: data was manually assembled from various sources. These data are typically retrieved from a private web address only accessible to Atlas.
- Geography:
- National: data only valid at a national level.
- State: data only valid for an entire U.S. state.
- Utility: data valid for an electric utility territory as defined by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
- County: data valid for a U.S. county.
- City: data valid for a U.S. city.
- ZIP Code: data valid for a U.S. ZIP code.
- N/A
- Geographic Scope: comma-separated list of valid locations for the data. Some datasets can have multiple geographic scopes.
- Nations
- U.S. States
- Electric Utilities as defined U.S. Energy Information Administration
- U.S. Counties (FIPS code)
- Cities defined by (City, State)
- ZIP Codes
- N/A
- Time Scope
- Year: Data is available annually.
- Month: Data is available monthly.
- Day: Data is available for a specific day or daily.
- N/A
- Web Reference: the primary web address where the data can be accessed. For manually assembled data, this is the primary source of reference.