
IIJA Weatherization Implementation

Join MEEA for a deep dive on the weatherization initiatives within IIJA, including how funds will be allocated, meeting workforce development needs, the Justice40 initiative and opportunities for stakeholders to support implementation.

Mass Save Community Partner Meeting

Saving money on energy is a growing priority for all Massachusetts communities. The Sponsors of Mass Save are working to enhance access to and knowledge of energy efficiency products and services and are offering [...]

What’s Working in Local Residential Efficiency Policies?

Localities try a wide range of policies to spur residential energy efficiency. So what have we learned? And what works well? Join this call to learn about innovative approaches from those working at ground [...]

Mass Save Community Partner Meeting

Saving money on energy is a growing priority for all Massachusetts communities. The Sponsors of Mass Save are working to enhance access to and knowledge of energy efficiency products and services and are offering [...]

VERGE Electrify: Amping Up An All-Electric Future

VERGE Electrify brings together early movers and technology experts to share learnings and best practices for electrifying transportation, buildings and industry — rapidly and equitably. Join thousands of leaders turning ambition into reality to [...]

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