Quick Start Grant Webinar Series: Bridging the Gaps, Funding the Future

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Join TECH Clean California for our final webinar in the Quick Start Grant series. This webinar will showcase findings from two projects seeking solutions for underserved market segments: an exploration of the technical barriers and opportunities of installing heat pump water heaters in manufactured housing, and a framework for leveraging the green financing industry to fund retrofits.

  • Testing Heat Pump Water Heaters in Manufactured Housing: Despite the potential energy savings and emissions reductions, the adoption rate of heat pump water heaters in mobile and manufactured homes remains near zero. AESC will share insights from their efforts to install and evaluate the benefits of heat pump water heaters in manufactured homes through the Quick Start Grant program. The team will cover the pervasive barriers faced by these communities and recommendations for the needed regulatory changes, technological innovation, and collaborative efforts to unlock the potential of heat pump water heaters in these homes.
  • Scaling Heat Pump Retrofits in Housing with Cost Barriers: Climate Resolve & USGBC-CA aimed to promote residential electrification by addressing the financing gap for retrofits, particularly for income-constrained households. The project explored opportunities to align measurement and verification protocols of heat pump installations with green finance standards and unlock new mechanisms for private investments. The team will share their findings with a focus on scaling these efforts to larger multifamily retrofits to attract more green financing.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Gain insights into the unique challenges faced by low-income and historically marginalized communities when adopting heat pump technologies, and how targeted incentives and financing solutions can drive broader adoption.
  • Explore the broader impact of heat pump installations from the magnitude of energy savings in manufactured homes to greenhouse gas reductions that could attract green finance investments.
  • Learn about the types of data necessary to unlock pathways for electrification in affordable housing and underserved communities.

This session offers valuable lessons for policymakers, program implementers, financial institutions, and community-based organizations seeking to scale equitable clean energy solutions.

Please reach out to tech-clean-ca@veic.org with any questions you may have.

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