Navigating Organizational Funding for Home Energy Upgrade Programs in Justice 40 Communities

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The federal government is releasing historic amounts of funding to advance home energy upgrades in the United States right now, with many specifically dedicated to delivering energy savings, comfort, and health benefits to Justice 40 communities. Many of these funding opportunities come with difficult applications and complicated requirements due within short timelines.

Join us for a three-hour workshop to hear actionable advice on the nuts and bolts of applying for Inflation Reduction Act and bipartisan infrastructure law grants, prizes, and technical assistance. Participants will hear from municipal staff and community leaders about their experiences applying for federal grants ranging from $10,000 to $250,000,000. Industry experts will detail best practices for finding federal opportunities that match participant priorities and completing a successful application. The workshop will culminate in a breakout room session where participants will work through a sample funding opportunity notice, creating a sample project plan and drafting an outline to complete a successful federal grant application.

This is the first workshop in a series organized by EPA and R2E2 and designed to support community-based organizations, small businesses, and local governments in creating equitable efficiency and electrification home upgrade programs.

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