Designing Inclusive and Comprehensive Electrification Programs

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TECH Clean California Quick Start Grant recipients, Franklin Energy and the Energy Coalition, will present findings from their respective projects removing barriers to heat pump adoption in moderate- and low-income home energy programs. Review these projects below:

Addressing Home Repair Barriers in Marin Clean Energy’s Home Energy Savings

Basset Avocado Heights Advanced Energy Community Heat Pump Water Heater Initiative

Register to attend and learn how to overcome barriers to heat pump HVAC and heat pump water heater installations.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Comprehensive Strategies for Inclusive Electrification: Discover how targeted education, community engagement, and holistic program design can make home electrification accessible to disadvantaged communities.
  • Overcoming Barriers to Participation: Learn about the common challenges faced by low- and moderate-income households and how proactive measures can mitigate financial and logistical obstacles.
  • Effective Program Design and Implementation: Gain insights into successful models for integrating home repairs with energy upgrades, ensuring that program goals are met and expanded beyond initial expectations.
  • Actionable Recommendations: Understand key recommendations for policymakers and program implementers to enhance inclusivity and scalability in energy transition efforts.

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