Buildings Hub Live: Electrifying Buildings in Cold Climates

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Atlas Public Policy is hosting its fourteenth episode of “Buildings Hub Live,” where we spotlight the changemakers and technologies leading the charge to electrify our built environment. Join us Wednesday, May 1 at 9:30am EST for a discussion on progress and developments in electrifying buildings in cold climates with Marnese Jackson, Executive Director of the Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition, and Michael Stoddard, Executive Director of Efficiency Maine.

Just over one-third of buildings in the United States are in cold climates. It is often thought that electric heating technologies like air-source heat pumps can’t perform in these climates, but technologies have improved and deployment is soaring in some famously cold regions. The Midwest and Northeast are the two coldest contiguous regions nationwide, and also rely most on piped gas, propane, or fuel oil for space heating.

So how are practitioners in these places helping customers electrify their buildings and save money on their energy bills? What role do federal, state, and local governments play? RSVP today to find out!

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