Preserving Federal Clean Energy Investments

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Please join C2ES, along with other participants from the 22 regional roundtables C2ES has hosted over the last several years, for a strategy session about how we can collaborate to protect crucial federal clean energy investments. During this call, C2ES staff will provide the latest information on the state of the debate in the halls Congress, share details about our ongoing activities, and outline how you and the clean energy communities you’re working in every day can help preserve these investments.

This conversation is intended to bring together past participants from regional roundtable events for a foundational conversation to:

• Bring you up to speed on the latest political developments in the clean energy investment debate; • Outline the topics at the center of the debate, key questions that Congress will be grappling with;

• Share a strategy and key messages that can be utilized to strengthen any existing advocacy that you and others in your community are engaging in; and

• Detail several near-term opportunities to work directly with C2ES as part of our federal advocacy efforts.

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